
2014年9月24日—Opera26introducesanewbookmarkssharingfunctionalitythatyoucanusetoshareafolderofbookmarkseasilyontheInternet.,2014年12月3日—Theheadlinefeatureissupportforbookmarksharing—whenbrowsingtheirbookmarks,userswillnoticeared'Share'buttoninsidefolders.,2014年12月28日—Icanbookmarkapagebyclickonthehearticon-it'scool.Butican'tunbookmarkapage(alreadybookmaked)byclickagainonthehearticon ...,You...

Opera 26 introduces bookmarks sharing and tab syncing

2014年9月24日 — Opera 26 introduces a new bookmarks sharing functionality that you can use to share a folder of bookmarks easily on the Internet.

Opera 26 gains bookmark sharing and import, Print Preview

2014年12月3日 — The headline feature is support for bookmark sharing — when browsing their bookmarks, users will notice a red 'Share' button inside folders.

[Opera 26] Unbookmark by click on heart icon?!?

2014年12月28日 — I can bookmark a page by click on the heart icon - it's cool. But i can't unbookmark a page (already bookmaked) by click again on the heart icon ...

How import the bookmarks.adr into Opera 26?

Your best bet is to temporarily install a new copy of Opera 12, copy your bookmarks.adr file into its profile folder, and once you've made sure that your ...

Opera 26 桌面版瀏覽器來嚕,全新分享功能可一次與好友 ...

2014年12月3日 — Opera 在今天宣布新版的Opera 26 桌面版瀏覽器,這次改版最大的特點是導入全新的書籤分享功能,現在可以一次分享多個書籤內容給好友,尤其在聖誕節、 ...

Opera 26 for computers

2014年12月3日 — Share bookmarks the way you like. Select a few links or an entire bookmark folder and click Share. Then, copy the link and paste it to email, ...

Opera 26 Bookmarks

How can I make a new folder in Bookmarks in other place than root?

Opera 26版本桌面浏览器正式发布带来新书签整理分享功能

2014年12月3日 — 在Opera 书签管理器中,书签会以全新的图片形式显示,拖放图片即可快速重新整理。此外,还能共享书签。提供了一键分享全部书签的功能,如视频演示。这些 ...

FavBackup 2.1.3 - 瀏覽器該備份囉!

FavBackup 2.1.3 - 瀏覽器該備份囉!
